Sixteen states, 44 campgrounds, and over 8,000 towing miles later, here we are. Yesterday marked one year since we said good-bye to our so called normal life and hit the road. Somedays it’s shocking that it’s been a year already but others it feels like we’ve been doing this a long time, we’ve done more in this first year than some will ever do in their lifetime. It’s been quite an experience. As the insurance commercial says, “We’ve seen a thing or two.”
Do we have any regrets? Sure we do. We regret not doing it sooner. Yeah, there’s things we could have planned better and took more time figuring out but to us, that’s all part of the adventure.
Do we miss our house? You mean, the maintenance nightmare? No. Sure we miss things about it, like the washer and dryer, the dishwasher, the fenced in yard for the dogs and of course the beloved Tiki Bar, but those are just things. We loved our house and we made lots of lasting memories there but we felt trapped and were always wanting to be somewhere else, not having to deal with homeowner responsibilities.
Will we ever settle? Yes. I’m sure of that. This lifestyle isn’t always margaritas on the beach or hiking National Parks. It can be stressful and it can be exhausting. We do plan to slow things down, but we have no plans to stop traveling or living in an RV. There’s still too much to see and do but it’s time to focus on us, and getting back to… reality?? We’ve kind of lost track of time, literally and whether we like it or not there’s still responsibilities in this lifestyle. Sometime in the near future we’ll have to look for a source of income.
Twelve months in and if it all ended tomorrow we would forever be grateful for this opportunity to have done what so many only dream of. Fulfilling a dream that once seemed impossible is worth every single uncertainty we may have had. As for you, no matter what your dreams are, I leave you with this quote.
“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” ~Wayne Dyer
In all of your travels, have you ever come across any quaint little churches? Would love to see some pictures.
Well there was the Elvis church

But otherwise not really, the mormon churches in Utah are neither little nor quaint.